Results for 'Jérôme van Wijland'

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  1.  42
    Baudelocque and His Master. Writing and genesis of a scientific thought.Jérôme van Wijland - 2018 - Philosophia Scientiae 22:23-41.
    Les écrits manuscrits ou imprimés du chirurgien accoucheur Jean-Louis Baudelocque et ceux de ses principaux rivaux, éclairent les enjeux de pouvoir et les stratégies d’occupation de l’espace pédagogique et éditorial dans le domaine obstétrical dans les années 1770-1780. L’établissement d’un stemma explicitant les modes de production des écrits de Baudelocque, puis l’analyse comparative de ces différents écrits, enfin celle des accusations de plagiat et des jugements contemporains portés sur son œuvre et sur ce qu’il doit à son maître Solayrés de (...)
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  2. Introspective forgetting.Hans van Ditmarsch, Andreas Herzig, Jérôme Lang & Pierre Marquis - 2009 - Synthese 169 (2):405-423.
    We model the forgetting of propositional variables in a modal logical context where agents become ignorant and are aware of each others’ or their own resulting ignorance. The resulting logic is sound and complete. It can be compared to variable-forgetting as abstraction from information, wherein agents become unaware of certain variables: by employing elementary results for bisimulation, it follows that beliefs not involving the forgotten atom(s) remain true.
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    States of mind: Towards a common classification of mental states.Charlotte Van den Driessche, Clotilde Chappé, Mahiko Konishi, Axel Cleeremans & Jérôme Sackur - 2025 - Consciousness and Cognition 129 (C):103828.
  4.  65
    (1 other version)Établir la qualité des preuves pour les situations de décision complexes et controversées.Jeroen P. Van der Sluijs, Arthur C. Petersen, Peter H. M. Janssen, James S. Risbey & Jerome R. Ravetz - 2012 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 64 (3):, [ p.].
    Les décisions politiques sur les risques environnementaux complexes font fréquemment intervenir des éléments scientifiques contestés. Il n’y a généralement pas de « faits » qui conduisent à une politique correcte unique. Les éléments de preuve qui sont intégrés dans les avis scientifiques destinés à une décision politique nécessitent une évaluation de leur qualité. En 2003, l’Agence néerlandaise d’évaluation environnementale a adopté une méthode standardisée, désignée sous le nom de « guide », dans le cadre de laquelle les principaux aspects de (...)
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    Editorial introduction to the special issue LORI Guangzhou.Hans van Ditmarsch & Jérôme Lang - 2013 - Synthese 190 (1):1-4.
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    Vergil and dido.Jérôme Pelletier - 2003 - Dialectica 57 (2):191–203.
    According to many realist philosophers of fiction, one needs to posit an ontology of existing fictional characters in order to give a correct account of discourse about fiction. The realists' claim is opposed by pretense theorists for whom discourse about fiction involves, as discourse in fiction, pretense. On that basis, pretense theorists claim that one does not need to embrace an ontology of fictional characters to give an account of discourse about fiction. The ontolog-ical dispute between realists and pretense theorists (...)
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  7.  63
    J. Wentzel van Huyssteen: Refiguring Rationality in the Postmodern Age.Jerome A. Stone - 2000 - Zygon 35 (2):415-426.
    In his three books J. Wentzel van Huyssteen develops a complex and helpful notion of rationality, avoiding the extremes of foundationalism and postmodern relativism and deconstruction. Drawing from several postmodern philosophers of science and evolutionary epistemologists who seek to devise a usable notion of rationality, he weaves together a view that allows for a genuine duet betweenscience and theology. In the process he challenges much contemporary nonfoundationalist theology as well as the philosophical naïveté of some cosmologists and sociobiologists.
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    Foreword.Giacomo Bonanno, Andreas Herzig, Wiebe van der Hoek & Jérôme Lang - 2011 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 21 (3-4):263-264.
  9. The Annual of Psychoanalysis, V. 20.Jerome A. Winer (ed.) - 1993 - Routledge.
    Volume 20 of _The Annual of Psychoanalysis_ ably traverses the analytic canvas with sections on "Theoretical Studies," "Clinical Studies," "Applied Psychoanalysis," and "Psychoanalysis and Philosophy." The first section begins with Arnold Modell's probing consideration of the paradoxical nature of the self, provocatively discussed with John Gedo. Modell focuses on the fact that the self is simultaneously public and private, dependent and autonomous. Alice Rosen Soref next explores innate motivation and self-protective regulatory processes from the standpoint of recent infancy research; her (...)
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  10. The Annual of Psychoanalysis, V. 22.Jerome A. Winer - 1994 - Routledge.
    Volume 22 of _The Annual of Psychoanalysis_ begins with the provocative reflections of Jane Flax and Robert Michels on the current status and future prospects of psychoanalysis a century after Freud. Flax believes that analysis will not survive in the postmodern West if analysts cling to the medical model and the notion of analysis as a clinical science; Michels believes analysis will be revivified in the next century by reorganizing its training institutes within universities. A section on "Psychoanalysis and the (...)
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  11. Religious Naturalism and the Religion‐Science Dialogue: A Minimalist View.Jerome A. Stone - 2002 - Zygon 37 (2):381-394.
    Although its roots go back at least to Spinoza, religious naturalism is once again becoming a self–conscious option in religious thinking. This article seeks to (1) provide a generic notion of religious naturalism, (2) sketch my own “minimalist” variety of religious naturalism, and (3) view the science–religion dialogue from both of these perspectives. This last will include reflection on the nature of scientific practices, the contributions of religious traditions to moral reflection, and Ursula Goodenough's “religiopoiesis.”.
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  12. The Annual of Psychoanalysis, V. 24.Jerome A. Winer (ed.) - 1997 - Routledge.
    Volume 24 of _The Annual_ opens with a memorial tribute to the late Merton M. Gill, a major voice in American psychoanalysis for half a century. Remembrances of Gill by Robert Holt, Robert Wallerstein, Philip Holzman, and Irwin Hoffman are followed by thoughtful appreciations of Gill's final book, _Psychoanalysis in Transition: A Personal View_, by John Gedo, Jerome Oremland, Arnold Richards and Arthur Lynch, Joseph Schachter, and Bhaskar Sripada and Shara Kronmal. Section II offers four papers from a major conference (...)
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    Is Nature Enough? Yes.Jerome A. Stone - 2003 - Zygon 38 (4):783-800.
    Religious naturalism encompasses thinkers from Baruch Spinoza, George Santayana, John Dewey, Henry Nelson Wieman, and Ralph Burhoe to recent writers. I offer a generic definition of religious naturalism and then outline my own version, the “minimalist vision of transcendence.” Many standard issues in the science‐and‐religion dialogue are seen to fade in significance for religious naturalism. I make suggestions for our understanding of science, including the importance of transcognitive abilities, the need for a revised notion of rationality as an alternative to (...)
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  14.  7
    The Annual of Psychoanalysis, V. 26/27.Jerome A. Winer (ed.) - 2000 - Routledge.
    Volume 26/27 begins with publication of _The Annual's_ first prize essay, Samuel Abrams's "How Child and Adult Analysis Inform and Misinform One Another." This is followed by a series of papers originally prepared for a symposium honoring John E. Gedo. These papers span the clinical topics of obsessiveness, sublimation, dreams and self-analysis, and analyzability, and also delve into applied psychoanalysis and art history, with two studies of Vincent van Gogh and another of Alberto Giacometti. These papers not only convey the (...)
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  15.  17
    Science on the verge.Alice Benessia, Silvio Funtowicz, Andrea Saltelli, Mario Giampietro, Ângela Guimarães Pereira, Jerome R. Ravetz, Roger Strand & Jeroen P. Van der Sluijs (eds.) - 2016 - Tempe, AZ: Consortium for Science, Policy & Outcomes.
    A crisis looms over the scientific enterprise. Not a day passes without news of retractions, failed replications, fraudulent peer reviews, or misinformed science-based policies. The social implications are enormous, yet this crisis has remained largely uncharted-until now. In Science on the Verge, luminaries in the field of post-normal science and scientific governance focus attention on worrying fault-lines in the use of science for policymaking, and the dramatic crisis within science itself. This provocative new volume in The Rightful Place of Science (...)
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  16.  25
    Déterminants et fréquence du non-emploi chez des mères d’enfant en situation de handicap.Audrey Guyard, Marielle Lachenal, Sophie Ihl, Marit van Bakel, Jérôme Fauconnier & Christine Cans - 2013 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 7 (3):176-192.
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  17.  65
    Postfoundationalism and Interdisciplinarity: A Response to Jerome Stone.J. Wentzel Van Huyssteen - 2000 - Zygon 35 (2):427-439.
    . In my recent work I argued that the religion and sciencedialogue is most successful when done locally and contextually. However, I also argued against theology's epistemic isolation in a pluralist, postmodern world, and for a postfoundationalist notion of human rationality that reveals the interdisciplinary, public nature of all theological reflection. I now want to explore the possibility that, when we look at what the prehistory of thehuman mind reveals about the biological roots of all human rationality, some forms of (...)
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  18. The historical non-triviality of art: A rejoinder to Jerome Stolnitz.Willie van Peer - 1995 - British Journal of Aesthetics 35 (2):168-172.
  19.  28
    Is there still a realist challenge in postmodern theology? On religious experience and explanatory commitments in Jerome stone's "a minimalist vision of transcendence".J. Wentzel Van Huyssteen - 1994 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 15 (3):293-304.
  20.  47
    Jerome Keisler H.. Ultraproducts and saturated models. Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, Proceedings, series A, vol. 67 , pp. 178–186; also Indagationes mathematicae, vol. 26 , pp. 178–186. [REVIEW]James R. Geiser - 1970 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 35 (4):584-585.
  21.  14
    Is there still a realist challenge in postmodern theology?J. Wentzel van Huyssteen - 1995 - HTS Theological Studies 51 (1):3-12.
    In this article Jerome A Stone's neo-naturalistic philosophy of religion is critically assessed. Stone develops a minimalist model of the divine by means of retrieving experiences of transcendence in a plural secular society. The article aims at arguing that such a 'transactional realistic' concept of God is not only a-contextual, but also too generic. Although this is regarded as a postfoundationalist move by radical empiricism, it turns out to he not consonant with postmodernism’s celebration of true pluralism.
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    Keisler H. Jerome. Ultraproducts and elementary classes. Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, Proceedings, series A, vol. 63 , pp. 477–495; also Indagationes mathematicae, vol. 23 , pp. 477–495. [REVIEW]C. C. Chang - 1962 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 27 (3):357-358.
  23.  17
    Die resepsie van retoriese momente van die Filemonbrief deur Patristiese eksegete.D. Francois Tolmie - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (4):8.
    The reception of rhetorical elements in the Letter to Philemon by Patristic exegetes. The aim of this study is to offer an overview of the way in which Patristic exegetes interpreted the rhetorical aspects of Paul’s Letter to Philemon. Although a rhetorical analysis of the letter was not the matter which interested them as such, one can still obtain a fairly good idea of the way in which they perceived such aspects by reading their explanations of this letter. Accordingly, the (...)
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    Paulus as vredemaker. Oor die resepsie van die Brief aan Filemon in die vierde en vyfde eeu n.C.D. Francois Tolmie - 2015 - HTS Theological Studies 71 (1):7.
    Paul, the peacemaker. On the reception of the Letter to Philemon in the 4th and 5th centuries AD. By means of his letter to Philemon Paul attempted to make peace between Philemon and his slave, Onesimus. The theological aspects of this endeavour have been discussed often in academic circles, but thus far little attention has been given to what the practical implications of this would have been for Philemon’s household. In this article, this issue is addressed from a particular perspective, (...)
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  25. The Correspondence, Between Jerome and Augustine of Hippo.Carolinne Jerome, Augustine & White - 1990
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  26.  11
    Jerome Liebling: The Minnesota Photographs, 1949-1969.Jerome Liebling - 1997 - Minnesota Historical Society Press.
    Here in more than a hundred photographs is portrayed Liebling's Minnesota. During two decades marked by social, political and cultural change, Liebling travelled the state and found his largest subject -- the depiction and interpretation of commonplace human experience. The images range from the grain elevators and skid row of Minneapolis to the slaughterhouses in South St. Paul and the poor, working-class streets of St. Paul's West Side; from the Iron Range and the Red Lake Indian reservation in the north (...)
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    Battlefield Triage.Christopher Bobier & Daniel Hurst - 2024 - Voices in Bioethics 10.
    Photo ID 222412412 © US Navy Medicine | ABSTRACT In a non-military setting, the answer is clear: it would be unethical to treat someone based on non-medical considerations such as nationality. We argue that Battlefield Triage is a moral tragedy, meaning that it is a situation in which there is no morally blameless decision and that the demands of justice cannot be satisfied. INTRODUCTION Medical resources in an austere environment without quick recourse for resupply or casualty evacuation are often (...)
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  28.  15
    Quantum Models of Cognition and Decision.Jerome R. Busemeyer & Peter D. Bruza - 2012 - Cambridge University Press.
    Much of our understanding of human thinking is based on probabilistic models. This innovative book by Jerome R. Busemeyer and Peter D. Bruza argues that, actually, the underlying mathematical structures from quantum theory provide a much better account of human thinking than traditional models. They introduce the foundations for modelling probabilistic-dynamic systems using two aspects of quantum theory. The first, 'contextuality', is a way to understand interference effects found with inferences and decisions under conditions of uncertainty. The second, 'quantum entanglement', (...)
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  29. Plantinga and Leibniz. A Critical Study of "The Nature of Necessity" by Alvin Plantinga and of Some Reactions to it.Robin Attfield - 1980 - Studia Leibnitiana 12:215.
    Die folgenden miteinander zusammenhängenden Themen werden erörtert : der Essentialismus, die Trans-Welt-Identität, der ontologische Gottesbeweis und der Glaube, Gott könne jede beliebige Welt erschaffen. Plantingas Einschätzung der De-re-Modalität stellt sich als fehlerhaft heraus, wenn seine Überzeugung, Menschen dürften nicht mit ihren Körpern gleichgesetzt werden, auch überzeugender ist. Leibniz würde jedoch mit guten Gründen der Behauptung Plantingas nicht vorbehaltlos zustimmen, daß Menschen ihrem Wesen nach immateriell sind. Plantinga hat Recht, wenn er — z. B. im Gegensatz zu Leibniz — die Auffassung (...)
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    Integrated Models of Cognitive Systems.Wayne D. Gray (ed.) - 2007 - Oxford University Press.
    The field of cognitive modeling has progressed beyond modeling cognition in the context of simple laboratory tasks and begun to attack the problem of modeling it in more complex, realistic environments, such as those studied by researchers in the field of human factors. The problems that the cognitive modeling community is tackling focus on modeling certain problems of communication and control that arise when integrating with the external environment factors such as implicit and explicit knowledge, emotion, cognition, and the cognitive (...)
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  31. The Adapted Mind: Evolutionary Psychology and the Generation of Culture.Jerome H. Barkow, Leda Cosmides & John Tooby - 1992 - Oxford University Press. Edited by Jerome H. Barkow, Leda Cosmides & John Tooby.
    Second, this collection of cognitive programs evolved in the Pleistocene to solve the adaptive problems regularly faced by our hunter-gatherer ancestors-...
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    At play in the fields of consciousness: essays in honor of Jerome L. Singer.Jerome L. Singer, Jefferson A. Singer & Peter Salovey (eds.) - 1999 - Mahwah, N.J.: Lawerence Erlbaum.
    This collection of articles pays homage to the creativity and scientific rigor Jerome Singer has brought to the study of consciousness and play. It will interest personality, social, clinical and developmental psychologists alike.
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  33.  42
    Scientific knowledge and its social problems.Jerome R. Ravetz - 1971 - Oxford,: Clarendon Press.
  34. Toward a theory of instruction.Jerome Seymour Bruner - 1966 - Cambridge, Mass.,: Belknap Press of Harvard University.
    Closely related to this is Mr. Bruner's "evolutionary instrumentalism," his conception of instruction as the means of transmitting the tools and skills of a ...
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    Emotion, Thought and Therapy: A Study of Hume and Spinoza and the Relationship of Philosophical Theories of Emotion to Psychological Theories of Therapy.Jerome Neu - 2022 - Taylor & Francis.
    First published in 1977, Emotion, Thought and Therapy is a study of Hume and Spinoza and the relationship of philosophical theories of the emotions to psychological theories of therapy. Jerome Neu argues that the Spinozists are closer to the truth; that is, that thoughts are of greater importance than feelings in the classification and discrimination of emotional states. He then contends that if the Spinozists are closer to the truth, we have the beginning of an argument to show that Freudian (...)
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  36. (1 other version)Philosophy of Mind.Jerome A. Shaffer - 1964 - Englewood Cliffs, N.J.,: Prentice-Hall.
  37.  75
    Four frames suffice: A provisional model of vision and space.Jerome A. Feldman - 1985 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 8 (2):265-289.
    This paper presents a general computational treatment of how mammals are able to deal with visual objects and environments. The model tries to cover the entire range from behavior and phenomenological experience to detailed neural encodings in crude but computationally plausible reductive steps. The problems addressed include perceptual constancies, eye movements and the stable visual world, object descriptions, perceptual generalizations, and the representation of extrapersonal space.The entire development is based on an action-oriented notion of perception. The observer is assumed to (...)
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  38. Narratives of human plight: A conversation with Jerome Bruner.Jerome Bruner - 2002 - In Rita Charon & Martha Montello, Stories matter: the role of narrative in medical ethics. New York: Routledge. pp. 3--9.
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  39. Computation, perception, and mind.Jerome A. Feldman - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45.
    Advances in behavioral and brain sciences have engendered wide ranging efforts to help understand consciousness. The target article suggests that abstract computational models are ill-advised. This commentary broadens the discussion to include mysteries of subjective experience that are inconsistent with current neuroscience. It also discusses progress being made through demystifying specific cases and pursuing evolutionary considerations.
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    A Study of Thinking.Jerome S. Bruner, Jacqueline J. Goodnow & George A. Austin - 1958 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 19 (1):118-119.
  41.  23
    The culture of education.Jerome Bruner - 1996 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    Argues that educators should help students piece together authentic narratives about themselves and about society, and not to focus so much on teaching students to process information.
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  42. The Narrative Construction of Reality.Jerome Bruner - 1991 - Critical Inquiry 18 (1):1-21.
    Surely since the Enlightenment, if not before, the study of mind has centered principally on how man achieves a “true” knowledge of the world. Emphasis in this pursuit has varied, of course: empiricists have concentrated on the mind’s interplay with an external world of nature, hoping to find the key in the association of sensations and ideas, while rationalists have looked inward to the powers of mind itself for the principles of right reason. The objective, in either case, has been (...)
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  43. On perceptual readiness.Jerome S. Bruner - 1957 - Psychological Review 64 (2):123-52.
  44.  56
    Decision field theory: A dynamic-cognitive approach to decision making in an uncertain environment.Jerome R. Busemeyer & James T. Townsend - 1993 - Psychological Review 100 (3):432-459.
  45. The Invention of Autonomy: A History of Modern Moral Philosophy.Jerome B. Schneewind - 1997 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    This remarkable book is the most comprehensive study ever written of the history of moral philosophy in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Its aim is to set Kant's still influential ethics in its historical context by showing in detail what the central questions in moral philosophy were for him and how he arrived at his own distinctive ethical views. The book is organised into four main sections, each exploring moral philosophy by discussing the work of many influential philosophers of the (...)
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  46. Leda Cosmoides, and John Tooby, eds.Jerome H. Barkow - 1992 - In Jerome H. Barkow, Leda Cosmides & John Tooby, The Adapted Mind: Evolutionary Psychology and the Generation of Culture. Oxford University Press.
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    Does the harm component of the harmful dysfunction analysis need rethinking?: Reply to Powell and Scarffe.Jerome C. Wakefield & Jordan A. Conrad - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (9):594-596.
    In ‘Rethinking Disease’, Powell and Scarffe1 propose what in effect is a modification of Jerome Wakefield’s2 3 harmful dysfunction analysis (HDA) of medical (including mental) disorder. The HDA maintains that ‘disorder’ (or ‘disease’ in Powell and Scarffe’s terminology) is a hybrid factual and value concept requiring that a biological dysfunction, understood as a failure of some feature to perform a naturally selected function, causes harm to the individual as evaluated by social values. Powell and Scarffe accept both the HDA’s evolutionary (...)
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    The Process of Concept Attainment Jerome Bruner, Jacqueline Goodnow, and George Austin.Jerome Bruner - 1999 - In Eric Margolis & Stephen Laurence, Concepts: Core Readings. MIT Press. pp. 101.
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    (1 other version)Ersatz Belief and Real Belief.Jerome Gellman - forthcoming - Symposion. Theoretical and Applied Inquiries in Philosophy and Social Sciences.
    Jerome Gellman ABSTRACT: Philosophers have given much attention to belief and knowledge. Here I introduce an epistemic category close to but different from belief, that I call ‘ersatz’ belief. Recognition of this category refines our catalogue of epistemic attitudes in an important way. Download PDF.
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  50.  31
    Report on the University of Delaware Symposium concerning the Philosophy and History of Art.Jerome Tovo - 1970 - Studi Internazionali Di Filosofia 2:163-165.
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